What’s in a Name?
A Name Says More Than You Might Think
Well Being Partnership is about more than Coaching. We've incorporated our spirit, approach and values in the name we use in the world. We use our moniker to remind ourselves why we're here and to put our ethics, values and principles out front, where you can see them!
“A name is ...
a thread tied about
the finger to make us
mindful of the errand we
came into the world
to do ”
About Wellness
Being well isn't about the freedom from heavy or uncomfortable feelings; it's about our relationship with those feelings and our attitude towards them. We want our work to leave you with sensible, practical solutions for coping with the full range of human experience that can help with a more peaceful and prosperous experience of everyday living.
We believe that every person is an expert on themselves. Each person has within them the answers and solutions to the problems, difficulties, and challenges they face. Our role is to help you tap into that spring of knowledge and to work with the direction it provides. We also want to send you into the world with a clean, deep, plentiful reservoir of skills and tools that are waiting below the surface, ready to bubble up when you need them.
On Being
We believe there is a difference between existing and being in the world. To be is the fundamental choice of taking active participation in life in the direction of growth from that unique inner knowledge place. Existing is also a choice, but one of nonparticipation; letting the world around you make the choices as a consequence of inaction. We help our clients connect with their being parts, harnessing them to create change.
About Partnerships
We work collaboratively in a person-to-person relationship with our clients. We bring the expertise on change, goals, learning, motivation, resilience, organization, wellness, coping, recovery, ADHD, coaching, advocacy, and empowerment. You bring the expertise on your experience, strengths, talents, motivations, passions, intentions, values, assets, and direction. The partnership is where the magic happens when we combine our areas of knowledge to make something new together.