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You Bring a Project, We Bring the Support System



Common Knowledge is evolving!

With feedback from our community, we’re offering more structure and focus to support holistic wellness, balance and time management. There are four new work periods Active, Focus, Creative, and Mindful that cultivate a particular intention and attention state. We welcome you to explore a big project through these different lenses or to bring different activities as we move through the week. To support these explorations we're bookending the week with an hour on Monday and Friday to keep your time management system ticking.

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Little Questions?

Send a message. we’d love to hear from you!


Big Questions?

Is Common Knowledge a good fit for you? Do you have the right project(s) in mind? Let’s talk about it! Book a 30-minute consult at no cost to you.

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Start with a plan

Download the planner and the schedule.

How will you fit this commitment in your schedule? Start by sitting with it and your calendar and find your way to attend a minimum of 4 hours per week.

Arrange your time in any way that suits you. You may attend the first hour of a two-hour session and not the second, join every second week, or you could attend Tuesdays and Thursdays but not Saturdays. The combination is up to you and you are welcome to attend all 10 hours each week.

Commitment Required!

Your commitment is key to making this group work and we’re counting on you to show up and hold space for others with your presence. The group depends on your support and participation.  While you're making a commitment to yourself and your project, you're also making a commitment to support the community.


What is Common Knowledge?

Doing hard things is easier when you have company and making a commitment to someone else can be a powerful way to get started when you're having trouble showing up for yourself. Common Knowledge is a learning, making, and doing community that supports self-accountability through a commitment to others.

In logic theory, common knowledge is something that is known by everyone within a specific community; our aim is to create that kind of community. The space co-create is a common sense of another kind - a bodily felt sense, of being witnessed and supported by the presence of others who are also doing difficult, challenging things. What would it be like if this sense was more common?

A Unique Learning Environment

The Common Knowledge Community is a double learning environment inviting you to work towards a big goal. This might be an immense project, a big dream, an overwhelming activity, a tender idea, something you’ve been procrastinating on, or even a thing that you don’t know how to start.

We all have a project, practice, emerging skill, growth edge, idea or dream that’s on the back burner. We prioritize getting on with the business and busyness of life and others' needs over our own self-care. Unfulfilled ideas and backburner passion projects stay low priority unless we can action them; Common Knowledge is an invitation to do just that- to pay attention to yourself.

Personal Learning

We offer personal learning specific to your project with guidance, coaching and resources for setting goals, managing time; on a personal level; you’ll find skills for addressing thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that might come between you and your work. On a community level, your participation is an important part of creating our space; this offers the opportunity to notice what it feels like to be present for others and what it feels like to have others hold a space for you by offering theirs - skills you can take home with you and share with your own communities, groups, families and relationships.

Ideas Need Space & People Need Connection

The human brain is wired for community, connection and cooperation. We live in families, groups, and relationships where two heads are better than one, and many hands make light work. These relationships support our growth and bring meaning to our lives.

Hard times, impossible tasks, and overwhelming ideas suddenly become less intimidating and approachable where there is another person present to keep you company. Our community invites you into interconnection and energy exchange with other learners and doers in a give and take. Sometimes borrowing from others to fuel your motivation helps get you started. Showing up for yourself is hard, and knowing that you are responsible to other people who depend allows you to borrow from their motivation to fuel your action.

How to Register

Start with the How it Works planning to your left. Clicking the register button will take you to the enrollment survey.
